Uputstvo autorima
Svarog is an academic journal written in English and published by the Independent University
Banja Luka. The journal welcomes submissions from various fields, with a focus on political,
economic, pedagogical, and ecological sciences. Its main goal is to promote interdisciplinary
dialogue and serve as a platform for scientific and professional discourse.
Svarog may publish special thematic issues on relevant social issues. Although authors can
suggest two expert reviewers, the editorial board has the final decision on the reviewers. The
authors are recommended to use subtitles, italics, or bold text to emphasize key points within
the manuscript.
Article Types:
- Original Paper: Original research findings, regardless of length, as long as they are novel and unpublished elsewhere. Can be theoretical, empirical, qualitative, quantitative, or involve case studies, replications, and policy perspectives. Ideally, should not exceed 30-40 manuscript pages (Times New Roman, size 12, double-spaced).
- Review Paper: Authoritative and balanced surveys of current research within a specific area, Ideally, should not exceed 40 manuscript pages.
- Conceptual Paper: Focuses on developing hypotheses and exploring existing literature; discursive. Ideally, should not exceed 30 manuscript pages.
Criteria for Publication
- Structure: Organize your manuscript into clear sections, including an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
- Tables & Figues: Submit tables and figures separately from the main text, and make sure to reference them within the manuscript. Ensure they are professional in appearance and adhere to scientific standards.
- Language: Write your manuscript in clear, grammatically correct, and concise English. Avoid any defamatory content or confidential information.
- Formatting: Use A4 format for electronic submission in a Word document. Use Times New Roman font, size 12, with double spacing and 18pt line spacing. Set paragraph spacing to 6pt before and 6pt after, and indent the first line of each paragraph by 0.5 inches. Maintain one-inch margins throughout the document.
- Length: Ideally, your manuscript should not exceed one author’s sheet (approximately 16 pages or 30.000 characters with spaces). Exceptions may be considered based on the significance of the topic, but authors are encouraged to be concise.
- Citations: Use the APA style for both in-text citations and the reference list.
Submission Process
- Initial Screening: All submissions are checked for adherence to ethical guidelines and formatting requirements.
- Peer Review: Suitable submissions are assigned to an editor who oversees single-blind peer review by independent academics.
Manuscript Preparation
When submitting a manuscript, authors are required to provide the following materials:
- Title Page: This should include a concise and informative title that accurately reflectsthe content of the manuscript.
- Author Information: Full name, affiliation, email address, and a brief CV should be provided.
- Originality Statement: Authors should confirm that the manuscript has not been previously published or is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Abstract and Keywords: A 100-250 word abstract summarizing the key points and findings of the research should be included. Additionally, 3-6 keywords in English should be provided.